Hällesjö fishery conservation area
Fish for brown trout, char and rainbow trout in our three planted waters. There are stubborn pike and perch in the other lakes and tarns. We can truly offer great fishing!
"A fishing trip in beautiful Hällesjö" – a slideshow with music from Jämtland.
The slideshow shows Hällesjö's beautiful scenery and focuses on fishing.
Follow the changing seasons through pictures and music.
Time: 6 min, 20 sec. (Opens in a new window. Turn on your loudspeakers).
Welcome to great fishing in Hällesjö!

Situated in east Jämtland, between Sundsvall, Sollefteå and Östersund, 15 km south of Kälarne.
The area has around 70 lakes and tarns, as well as rivers and streams.
Fish include pike, perch, roach, bream and whitefish. There are large brown trout, grayling, eel and burbot.
Thank you for taking your litter home!
It is important the area is clean and tidy for all visitors, and it is everyone's responsibility to keep it this way. Please remember to take home everything that you brought out on your fishing trip. Empty cans and other litter must not be left behind!
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